Equatorial Jungle

On the habitat
The primary rainforests of equatorial Africa are home to a large number of different ecosystems and habitats, and the contrast between life in the canopy and the bustling activity that takes place on the forest floor can be seen.
Recreated environments

It represents the entrance to the primary forest since in the past the rivers were the only access routes to the forest.

It houses the group of drills (primates of the same genus as baboons) and talapoines, which surprise us with their interesting social interactions. In the estuary of this riverside forest we find the pygmy hippos, to a group of sitatungas and birds egiptian goose.

It represents a fallen tree in the middle of the forest, occupied by countless species of animals that coexist creating a small ecosystem in the center of the immense equatorial forests.

It is home to different species of reptiles and several species of arthropods. Very close to the base of this large fallen tree you can see the agile movements of the spotted-necked otters.

Represents a leafy expanse of vegetation perfect to facilitate camouflage of large predators.

It houses the leopards, main predator of this place, and the bongos, sharing space with two species of duiker and with the black crowned cranes.

It represents a swampy clearing in the heart of the equatorial forest, an authentic “meeting place” for countless species that congregate in search of fresh water, tender vegetation and the mineral salts present in the mud. Gathering at the bai is also a great opportunity to socialize and relax.

It houses the group of forest buffaloes, already a herd of potamoqueros (wild jungle pigs) that inhabit part of this bai. Through a large fallen trunk you access the forest where the family of chimpanzees. An interpretation center dedicated to primates allows you to closely observe the behavior of groups of lowland gorillas living with other primates, As the mangabeys.

Equatorial jungle
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