Mongoose Lemur

Eulemur mongoz

Common name

Mongoose Lemur


In Madagascar it lives in dry deciduous forests, while in the Comoros Islands it lives in humid forests.
Details of the product








128 days.

Number of offspring


Breeding programs



They feed mainly on fruits, leaves, flowers and nectar.


In the wild unknown, in captivity up to 30 years.

Biology and Behavior

It is a small arboreal lemur that usually lives in small social groups, of about four or six members. Groups are normally made up of a male-female pair and their offspring, which live in the parental group until they are approximately 3 years old. Within the group, the female has food preference over the male. It is a species with sexual dimorphism; The males have gray and brown colors, with a white nose and dark chin. While females have lighter colors and a white chin. In both cases with striking red eyes.

These lemurs communicate through vocalizations that consist of an “oom”-like sound. They use it to call the young, gather the group and warn of the presence of danger, such as the appearance of the fossa, their main predator. They also use vocalizations to mark their territory. They also do this through the smell they give off.

Mongoose lemurs are threatened in their natural habitat, mainly due to the loss of their habitat due to deforestation, creation of crops, livestock pastures and human settlements in general.

Interesting Facts

Lemurs communicate in various ways, such as vocalizations, but in addition to that, they also do so through facial expressions and curious body postures. In addition, it is one of the few species of lemur that lives outside the island of Madagascar.