Lions, porcupines, mangabeys and especially baby gorillas and elephants have enjoyed in advance the “delicious and surprising” gifts from the Three Wise Men with an activity focused on animal welfare that has been seen by many people visiting the animal conservation park these days.
With the start of the year, families still have ahead of them what is possibly the most enduring memory from childhood, the excitement that the Three Wise Men's parade and the delivery of their gifts awakens. And as is tradition, at BIOPARC Valencia we also want to celebrate this moment of emotion combined with love and respect for animals and nature. On this occasion, The Three Wise Men have brought forward their visit to the animal conservation park and they have distributed their gifts to lions, elephants, porcupines, mangabeys and gorillas.
The large number of people visiting BIOPARC these days and many families who have come this beautiful morning on purpose, have been able to contemplate this activity that is part of animal welfare protocols as an environmental enrichment focused on awakening the instincts of the different species. The lions have shown their ferocity and the male has imposed his strength to monopolize all the packages, although in the end the females have also tasted the delicious fresh meat.
The most emotional moments have been experienced with the surprises that the animal care team had prepared for baby elephants and gorillasIt was really interesting to see the reaction of the largest land animal in existence, the African elephant. Makena and Malik, the two calves, aged 2 years and 9 months respectively, had a great time opening the presents and playing non-stop with everything they found. The herd of females also took advantage of the opportunity to taste the delicacies they found with their efficient trunks.
The gorilla family, with the youngest, Felix, Pepe and Virunga, and their older brother Ebo, did not miss the opportunity to search with their skillful hands, driven by the curiosity of the striking presents. The females also had their part, while the male maintained his role as "silverback". The unique BIOPARC enclosure allows the coexistence of two types of gorillas. primates in serious danger of extinction and with Among the gorillas you can see the white-crowned mangabeys, who have actively participated in the feast.
BIOPARC offers totally free activities throughout the day And this year the porcupines of the Educational Exhibition did not want to miss the opportunity and have taken advantage of this attractive activity by sharing the gifts among themselves.
In the Plaza Exterior with free access, families can also enjoy Nadal en Verd with free activities until January 4 to celebrate the European Green Capital and framed in Nadal Solidari of the Valencia City Council.
Continuing with family proposals, until January 4th the BIOPARC Outdoor Plaza (free access), hosts the original activities completely free of charge Nadal in Green, included in the proposal of Nadal Solidari of the Valencia City Hall. The commemoration of our city as European Green Capital is the core of this action of leisure committed to sustainability, care for the environment and nature.
Until January 6, you can take advantage of BIONadal, the double promotion “with a cause” for ages 4 to 12, with a 1-day ticket or a 1-year pass for €1.
It is worth remembering the great interest that the double is motivating BIONadal children's promotion for ages from 4 to 12 years old, which allows access for 1 day or 1 year for only €1 and, as always, “with a cause” since this symbolic amount is allocated to solidarity actions through the BIOPARC Foundation.
Until January 6, 2025, it is possible to benefit from BIONadal, taking into account that the 1-day ticket is only available online and at least the day before the visit and it is necessary to purchase a general or +65 ticket with the advantage of being able to have up to 2 children's tickets for the price of €1 each. To enjoy BIOPARC for a whole year with the B! pass, you must also buy a general or +65 pass and you can benefit from up to 3 B! children's passes for €1 each. For each B! pass, a €3,5 administration fee must be added.
It should be noted that both the 1-day ticket and the 1-year B! pass also apply for discounted options such as large or single-parent families, people under 25 years of age, people with disabilities or pensioners.